2nd Forum of Young Researchers on Heterogeneous Catalysis


14 – 16th of November, 2024

SZAB Headquarters, 7 Somogyi street, H-6720, Szeged, Hungary

Please Register to the Conference at the following link upto 10th of October, 2024:

Still accepting poster abstracts upto 5th of October, 2024:

Please use the followig template for Abstract Uploading (The abstract has to be no more than 1 page):

Please upload your abstract form at the following link:

Plenary Speakers

Juha Lehtonen: Production of sustainable aviation and marine fuels by catalytic technologies

Research Professor at VTT Bioruukki Pilot Centre in Espoo, Finland

Juha Lehtonen (D.Tech.) is a research professor of Sustainable Chemical and Catalytic Conversion Processes at VTT. He has a long career in industrial research organizations as a specialist of chemical reaction engineering, catalysis and development of biofuels, oil refinery and specialty chemicals processes. Before starting at VTT in 2016 he worked for four years as a professor of Industrial Chemistry at Aalto University (Espoo, Finland) concentrating on catalytic and thermochemical conversion of CO2 and biomass to value added chemicals and fuels and catalyst development for these processes. He is an author or co-author of 101 peer-reviewed scientific publications.

Jeroen Van Bokhoven

Professor for Heterogeneous Catalysis at Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Head of Laboratory for Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry (LSK) Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institute

Jeroen A. van Bokhoven completed a degree in chemistry at Utrecht University (Netherlands) in 1995 and went on to obtain a PhD in inorganic chemistry and catalysis from the same university in 2000 (with honours). From 1999 until 2002 he was head of the XAS (X-ray absorption spectroscopy) users – support group at Utrecht University. In 2002, he moved to the ETH, where he worked as researcher in the group of professor Prins. In 2006 he obtained an SNF assistant professorship in the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biology. He was the 2008 recipient of the Swiss Chemical Society Werner Prize. Since 2010, Jeroen A. van Bokhoven has a Chair in Heterogeneous Catalysis at the Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering at ETH Zurich and is Head of Laboratory for Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry at Paul Scherrer Institute. Van Bokhoven works in the field of heterogeneous catalysis aiming at producing better catalysts and processes that allow sustainable development. Goal is the determination of structure-performance relationships, which aid the design and construction of better catalysts for cleaner and more efficient processes. His main interests are heterogeneous catalysts and developing advanced tools in X-ray spectroscopy and scattering to study the catalyst structure under catalytic relevant conditions.

Csaba Janáky: Electrochemical processes for energy conversion: catalysts, electrodes, cells, and systems

Principal Investigator of the Photoelectrochemistry Research Group at the Department of Physical Chemistry and Materials Science at University of Szeged

Csaba Janáky graduated as a chemist (2007) and economist (2009) at the University of Szeged, and obtained his PhD degree (2011) from the same university. He was a Marie Curie was a fellow at the UT Arlington (USA), and his project was selected as one of the program’s success stories. In 2014, with the support of the MTA Momentum Program, he founded a research group at the University of Szeged. He has successfully built up a research group at the border of materials orientated electrochemistry and photoelectrochemistry, which carries out cutting-edge activities in both basic and applied research topics. This is indicated by 90 prestigious publications (full IF>800), 15 patent applications in the past 10 years, as well as foreign (e.g. ERC Starting, Consolidator and Proof-of-Concept Grant) and domestic grants. Fifteen of his papers were highlighted on the covers of prestigious journals (JACS, ACS Energy Letters, Advanced Energy Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Chemistry of Materials Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, ChemPhysChem). He is a member of several international scientific committees (e.g., ACS Energy Letters Editoral Advisory Board).

Brigitta Kocsis-M.: Presentation and Pitch – How To Be Convincing in a Short or Even Shorter Time!

Television host, coach, trainer

Academic Journalist Award-winning television host, coach, trainer, former president of the Club of Hungarian Science Journalists. Her main field of expertise is STEM communication and the sphere of innovation and startups. For more than 10 years, she has been working as the editor-host of the weekly science magazine, called Novum in the Hungarian Public Television; acting as a host of events focusing on innovation; conducting career, business, executive and innovation coaching sessions; holding science communication and soft skills trainings.

For Poster presenters:

We are looking for posters in the maximum size of A1 (594 × 841 mm) in a portrait format. The poster session will be on the second day of the conference (Tuesday, 15th of November, 2024) at 12:00 – 17:00.

For Oral presenters:

The oral presentations will be long as 7-10 minute talk + 5 min discussion

For Pitch Presenters:

You have to prepare a really quick max. 3 minutes pitch presentation where you “sell” your knowledge, products to the jury. Here you have to focus on the novelty of your research, place in the market and industry. If you present something which is a part of a product or future technology then sell that small part and tell us why that is really important, novel and the only one in the market compared to other researches or products, know-how in the market. The jury will ask for 5-10 minutes about your pitch.

Introduction to the Conference

Fighting climate change, most industrial technologies will not work without heterogeneous catalytic reactions. Understanding the catalytic processes, transferring and developing knowledge is essential. The qst Forum of Young Researchers on Heterogenous Catalysis 2024 (YOURHETCAT 2024) will be organized in Szeged, Hungary on November 14-16, 2024, hosted by the Hungarian Catalysis Society (HCS) with the help of The Secretariat of the Regional Committees of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences at Szeged (MTA SZAB) and the European Federation of Catalysis Societies (EFCATS).
Our main goal is to support and link talented young researchers working in the field of catalysis by organizing a high-quality international event for free of charge without any registration fees.
We are waiting for Graduated and Postgraduated Students, Postdocs as well as Senior Researchers of National and European Catalytic Societies and the Young European Catalysis Network (YEuCAT).
The pre-planned program including 4-6 plenary lectures, 30-50 student presentations, 30-80 posters for the poster session and an extraordinary “pitch” presentation by brave students, a tour of Szeged, coffee breaks, dinners and lunches. This year we are focusing also soft skills as applying and getting funds, scientific communication and connection with media and industry. We will make a tour to show our Energy Innovation Teststation  includig a closed loop of renewable from solar energy harvesting through electrolysis to production of liquid e-fuels at the Greenovation Center of University of Szeged as well as the system of the ELI-ALPS Laser Infrastructure.

After our succes at the 1st YOURHETCAT 2022 meeting, we are expecting ~100 young researchers and more Senior Researchers from all over Europe and the World, trusting in the exchange of experience, knowledge transfer and the creation of new cooperation opportunities, building networks, which will lead to the strong connection of International catalysis research.

All the presented works can be published in a special issue of Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis journal (IF = 2.081)


Porous Materials in Catalysis

Characterization Methods and Surface Science in Catalysis

AI and Computational Research of Heterogeneous Catalysis

Photo-, and Electrocatalysis

Chemicals for Energy Applications

Biomass- and CO2-derives Utilizations

Registration fees

The conference participation with coffee breaks and other catering will be free of charge


14th of November, 2024 – 1st day
13:00 – 14:00(Hungarian Catalysis Society and Hungarian Zeolite Association Meeting)
14:00 – 14:30Opening
14:00 – 14:40Plenary Talk
14:40 – 15:10Coffee Break
15:10 – 15:50Plenary Talk
15:50 – 17:50Lectures of Young researchers
18:00 –Eats, Wine, Pubquiz
15th of November, 2024 – 2nd day
9:00 – 10:00Brigitta Kocsis-M. – Presentation and Pitch – How To Be Convincing in a Short or Even Shorter Time!
10:00 – 10:30Coffee Break
10:30 – 11:30Pitch Presentations of Brave Young Researchers
11:30 – 14:00Lunch & Poster Section at the Hall (Posters still available upto 19:00)
14:00 – 16:00Visit of ELI-ALPS Laser Infrasturcture and Energy Innovation TestStation by Bus
16:20 – 17:00Jeroen Van Bokhoven
17:00 – 18:30Lectures of Young researchers
18:30 –Szeged Walkthrough + Dinner
16th of November, 2024 – 3rd day
9:00 – 9:40Plenary Talk
9:40 – 10:40Lectures of Young researchers
10:40 – 11:20Coffee Break
11:20 – 12:20Lectures of Young researchers
12:20 – 13:00Lunch – Committee Meeting
13:00 – 14:00Closing – Awards for Best Oral, Poster and Pitch Presenters

The Conference Centre

The conference will be held in the Secretariat of the Regional Committees of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences at Szeged in the heart of Szeged very next to our famous Church, the Dóm at the Dóm Square. The beautiful, Classicist Style Centre built in the 1860s is fully equipped with modern needs and spacious conference and ballot rooms as well as rooms for accomodations.

The Venue Center
Szeged from a Drone
Szeged from the land


Couple of Rooms at the Conference Centre is available


Szeged is 170 kms away from Budapest, the capital of Hungary

From Budapest Airport to the Ferihegy railway station in Budapest

The planes land at Terminal A or B; they are of walking distance from each other, and serviced by the same bus stop, and taxi ranks.
The closest train station to Budapest Airport is Ferihegy station, with trains operating to and from the Nyugati railway station in Budapest. From this station there are direct train connections to Szeged.

Please check for the timetable on the site (departure is Ferihegy destination is Szeged). We recommend the IC trains which runs every hour.

From the airport you can easily reach Ferihegy railway station by public transport or taxi.

Public transport

Bus 200E takes you to the Ferihegy station (5th stop from Liszt Ferenc Airport 2 station, please get off at Ferihegy vasútállomás station).
Tickets can be bought in advance at the airport terminals, kiosks, vending machines (they are frequently out of order), and they are valid for all kinds of transportation. Buying them in tens or twenties is cheaper (they are called “gyűjtő”). Tickets can be bought on the vehicles (except on metro trains), but they are more expensive than buying them in advance.

From the Nyugati railway station to Szeged

Szeged is serviced by trains in every hour. The duration of the trip is 2 h 22 min. The trains are so-called mixed trains. The last two or three coaches are called intercity coaches and seat reservation is required beside the regular ticket (which must be bought in advance, e.g. at the ticket office of the station). For the other coaches there is no seat reservation, but an extra so-called fast-train ticket has to be bought together with the regular ticket (complicated is it not?). Nevertheless, the intercity coaches (thus seat reservation) is recommended.

It is possible to check the time table on the internet. Go to, and choose information in English. We recommend the IC trains. There are some trains listed there beside the mentioned ones; do not take them, they are very slow, occasionally, the trip may last for more than 10 hours.

From Szeged railway station to the Institute of Chemisty (Dóm square & Rerrich Béla square), take tram 1 or 2 (or the so-called „tram train” heading to „Hódmezővásárhely”). Get off at „Aradi vértanúk tere”. Since our venue is quite close to the railway station, it is also easy to access the location by a short, 10-15 minutes walk via the avenue linking the station with the city center (called „Boldogasszony sugárút”). Tickets can be bought in advance (at the exit, downstairs) or on the tram (although it is more expensive there), in tens (gyűjtő) it is cheaper.

Getting to Szeged by car

From Budapest Airport The airport is serviced by many of the major car rental companies. Any kind of car can be ordered even on the internet. Starting from the airport, follow the Szeged and/or M5 sign. First, you get on M0 (the outer ring motorway). Keep following the Szeged and/or M5 sign, and after about 15-20 minutes you will be led to M5 (motorway 5), and choose Szeged as the direction. Depending on your speed (and traffic) it takes about one and half hour to get to Szeged. There are two exits to Szeged, both are good. For moving in the city and finding the hotel and the conference venue, you should check the map of Szeged, available on the internet. Note that Szeged is not a huge city, the street structure is a ring-avenue system. There are two rings and all avenues go to the city centre. For visual navigation, look for the twin towers of the cathedral, they are well seen almost from everywhere.

Arriving from the direction of Vienna (Austria) Use M1, then M0 near Budapest following the Szeged and/or M5 sign. Keep doing this, while you are on M0, and you will be led to M5 towards Szeged. From there, please, see above.

From the direction of Bratislava (Slovakia) Use M15(E75), then M1, and for the rest, please, see above.

From the direction Košice (Slovakia) Use M30(E71), then M3 towards Budapest, then M31, then M0, and for the rest, please, see above.

From the direction of Ukraine Use M3 towards Budapest, and for the rest, please, see above.

From the direction of Oradea (Romania) Use 42(E60) until you arrive at Berettyóújfalu, then take route 47 towards Szeged.

From the direction of Arad (Romania) Use M43, and enter the city at any exits. For the street-structure of Szeged, please, see above.

From the direction of Novi Sad (Serbia) Use M5, and exit at Szeged. For more details concerning exits and the street structure of Szeged, please, see above.

From the direction of Zagreb (Croatia) Use M7 towards Budapest, then M0 following the sign of Szeged and/or M5. For the rest, please, see above.

From the direction of Slovenia Use M70 towards Nagykanizsa/Budapest, then M7 towards Budapest. For the rest, please, see above.

From the direction of Graz (Austria) Use route 8 (E66) towards Budapest, then take M0 following the sign of Szeged or M5. For the rest, please, see above.

Attention! The motorways are tollways. Electronic tickets must be bought. This should be done at the closest gas station to the border or online. There are several varieties, they can be valid for a week, a month, etc., of course, the prices vary with the length of validity.

Regulations and Restrictions

  • Before coming to Hungary, please read informations at
  • Informations and regulations could be changing anytime. Please check your Country’s Consulate and/or Hungarian Consulate informations about travelling to Hungary restrictions and rules.
  • YOURHETCAT 2024 is following the rule of The Hungarian Academy of Sciences as well as the rules of the Venue Center and Hungarian law of 77/2022. (III.4.)

If you have any questions or needs, please contact:

András Sápi,, +36-30-325-00-21

József Pap,